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Jump To: Archive (1)  |  Audio (9)  |  Text (4)  |  Other (19)

Archives (1)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
galvoice.voc Dr. Riptide Archive 20 397KB 1993-12-01

Audio & Music (9)
1st prt MIDI Music File 41s 2KB 1993-12-10
begsongs.rol AdLib/Roland Song 1s 29KB 1993-12-01
debfail.mid MIDI Music File 25s 681b 1993-11-06
intro MIDI Music File 1m37s 12KB 1993-11-06
main MIDI Music File 1m9s 11KB 1993-11-06
mothersh.mid MIDI Music File 1m52s 12KB 1993-11-05
readmis.mid MIDI Music File 1m19s 2KB 1993-11-05
tacintro.mid MIDI Music File 12s 153b 1993-11-05
vicsnga.mid MIDI Music File 22s 2KB 1993-11-18

Text (4)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
comid00.gal Text File 1 45b 1994-04-21
comid01.gal Text File 1 45b 1994-05-05
comid02.gal Text File 1 45b 1994-05-05
manual.doc Text File 1,517 43KB 1994-05-10

Other Files (19)
galaxytk.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 32KB 1994-04-21
galbegin.gal MS-DOS/Windows Executable 78KB 1993-12-01
galgame.gal MS-DOS/Windows Executable 134KB 1993-12-01
setup.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 31KB 1994-04-21
begfont.fon Unknown 9KB 1993-12-01
begintro.img Unknown 268KB 1993-12-01
begsongs.snb Unknown 32KB 1993-12-01
begsound.eff Unknown 162KB 1993-12-01
current.gal Unknown 10b 1994-05-05
datainfo.dat Unknown 16KB 1993-12-01
galinfo.cfg Unknown 5b 1994-04-21
galmsg.msg Unknown 63KB 1993-12-01
galsongs.rol Unknown 82KB 1993-12-01
galsongs.snb Unknown 80KB 1993-12-01
galsound.eff Unknown 393KB 1993-12-01
galsprit.spr Unknown 20KB 1993-12-01
misdata.dat Unknown 4KB 1993-12-01
mission.gal Unknown 124b 1994-05-05
missions.dat Unknown 57KB 1993-12-01